Dawn of Ashes needs help from our loyal fans!

Dawn of Ashes needs help from our loyal fans!

Dawn of Ashes is heading on tour this summer/fall, and there are even bigger talks coming for the winter/spring. As we rush forward through this US tour, and with the International tour right around the corner we’ve come to the conclusion that its time to give away some of our keepsakes!

This Kickstarter will directly finance new merchandise, new stage attire, travel costs, emergency funds, stage theatrics, and will help to pave our way across the United States and Europe. Going on tour without the proper support from major labels is a tough gig and we want to ensure that we can give you the best performance possible. We are offering up exclusive items that have sentimental value attached, and contribute to the memory of Dawn of Ashes. These items are a piece of our history and we want you – the fans to have a piece of that history while being able to show some support so we can bring you a kick ass tour!


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